It was a random day that I, all of a sudden, decided to drive by my ex’s apartment just to see “what he was doing.”

I vividly remember a “small voice in my head” telling me not to go ahead with it when I began to get ready. It followed me to the main gate, until I shrugged it off, grabbed the keys, and started the car’s engine.

An apparently bad decision that was.

But let’s not go into the gory details.

What I meant to convey from that preamble was the fact that we are instinctively guided by our guardian angels; and the best part is, they always want us to win.

They are the tenured professors of our lives who school us undergraduates what’s right and what’s wrong. They pop out of nowhere to advise you on what you ought to be doing as opposed to what you’re currently doing.

Kind of life when I straight away headed to spy on my ex – something I admit I shouldn’t have done.

Do you believe in guardian angels and spirit guides?

If you don’t believe in spirit guides, by the end of this blog, I’ll make you do so.

A guardian angel or spirit guide is a nonphysical being assigned to every soul on Earth to help it attain the greatest potential in love, life, and hereafter. It is someone who has thoroughly mastered life’s lessons, and it comes to helping you in many instances.

Whether you recognize that advice or help is your doing, your guardian angel is always looking out for you.

Many of us tend to confuse the guide with our sixth sense. Although they nearly perform in the same domain, the latter is inherently different. It links more closely to our chakras – seven energy points.  A sixth sense is the ability to tune into the human spiritual side to perceive something whereas the spirit guide is a champion in life; somebody who communicates with you and somebody you can reach out to yourself.

They are the menders of your heartache, the compass to your clueless route, and the best mentors in your life matters. By taking heed of their advice, your life can move a lot smoother than it would without their guidance.

How do spirit guides or guardian angels communicate with us?

Usually, spirit guides enter our life by sending us “signals” or synchronicities, as they are called. In simpler words, these are “a meaningful coincidence.”

To put it clearer, let me give you some examples.

  1. You have fought with your partner the day before. You realize you need to improve your relationship. The next day at the office, you spot a book about communication in relationships sitting on your co-worker’s desk, out of the blue.

  2. You apply for a job and are scheduled for an interview. Only you know your lucky number, say, 8. When you look at the company’s address, you find your lucky number in it.

  3. Spirit guides may also reach you by musical messages, such as filling you with inspiration on the radio as you drive home after a rough day at work.

  4. You could also have a dream about handling a particular situation. The guardian angel may guide you on how to tackle an issue or prompt you about an imminent happening in the Lalaland.

  5. And what I personally love about this connection to our spirit guides is the fact that they even send helpful people and opportunities your way. It can be a person asking you out to lunch or a ticket to a transformational workshop.

I presume with the abovementioned real-life examples, there’s no doubt in the communication of spirit guides and guardian angels in our lives. We all get these coincidences or signals at some stage, yet it’s only our misgiving that we don’t recognize their significance.

Proven ways to connect with your archangel

Before you leave here, I want you to have something valuable in your interest that’s going to help you reach the pinnacle of peace, bliss, and love in life. Find out the top three, easy and tried-and-tested ways to connect with your spirit guides – because if you don’t, you’re not only missing out on the overwhelming experience but likely living your life the wrong way!

1.      Be more alert in everyday life

First things first, the major reason you still haven’t connected with your spirit guide is either because you don’t believe in them, or more importantly, you’re not recognizing them.

Be more present in your state of mind to recognize the signals they are sending every day. Help quieten your mind by finding a meditation practice. Declutter your daily routine and your thoughts to give them the space they need.

2.      Surrender something to your spirit guides

A prominent way to connect with your guardian angel is to surrender an issue to their control. This is most likely when you’re feeling frustrated, confused about the next best step, or simply looking for master insight.

Energetically release the issue to your guide, perhaps by using a mantra like “I’m surrendering this issue over to my guides to see what they can do to help.” Watch for fresh insights that’ll come shortly afterward.

3.      Use divination tools

Archangel, spirit guides, and similar divine beings from the reality of spirits have existed since the beginning of time. With so much convenience provided by technology, tapping into divination tools is no longer difficult. Some of the resources with my personal stamp of approval are:

  • Ask Angel Oracle Cards; perfect for beginners like you. “Each card features beautiful imagery and a short message to trigger your intuition as to the deeper meaning from the angels. If you’d like, you can look up the expanded angel message in the enclosed guidebook, so even if you’re a complete beginner, you will be able to use the cards to tune into angelic guidance right away.”

  • Personalized Archangel Reading; hand-vetted from numerous online links on the web. Being an advocate of spiritual enlightenment, I know this particular resource gives accurate reading with no fluff or artifice. It connects you with your guardian angel using your zodiac sign.

  • Rituals with Archangel Magick; a value-packed book with methods for learning, practicing, and utilizing the power of archangels, the guidance of spirit guides, and the secrets of championing life. “This book contains the Secret Names, Invocation Keys, Words of Power, Evocation Keys, and over fifty unique images that make this all possible. It does not cover every archangel ever described, but works with the twelve archangels that are easy to contact and most likely to bring effective results.”

These were my top three picks that’ll help you kickstart and achieve a lot of spiritual enlightenment in terms of connecting with, and leveraging the guardian angel assigned over you.

Connect with me today!

If you have any queries about this subject, feel free to drop a comment below. Or connect on my email (for quicker, more in-depth responses) and/or Instagram. You can get a free guide on “5 ways to connect to your higher self” here, and another free guide to “Guided meditation for balancing chakras” at this link.