Aren’t we often consoled by the words, “Trust the Universe. It will all be fine,” when we’re feeling hopeless and super-dejected with life?

Even for someone who doesn’t know what it actually means, hearing those words automatically makes them feel a tad bit better.

And do you know why that is?

It is because trusting the Universe is inherently in our nature. Our energies all attune us towards it. Not trusting God or struggling to take things into our control ultimately exhausts us out.

In the same context, trusting the Universe means you also understand what is called taking the ‘leap of faith.’

And I bet you’ve heard of that one too.

A leap of faith, as I would like to define it, is about ditching everything that gives you control and simply embracing faith or the Universe that works outside of the boundaries of reason.

In learning how to put faith in God and the Universe, you have to trust the process. However, that solely doesn’t mean that we accept a passive role and wait for something to drop from the sky.

In this blog, I will walk you through how to build faith and trust in God, as well as how to strengthen it such that you always feel relaxed knowing the Universe will work in your favor.

How To Put Faith In God?

Embrace your vulnerability

No one is ever truly in control. The lives that we live, our health, our families, and even our body to a certain extent are not in our control no matter how hard we try. Therefore, a practical way to build faith and trust in God is to embrace the ultimate reality. And it is that at the end of the day, we all are helpless.

The key is to embrace this truth from an empowering viewpoint, instead of as a victim. Once you do that, you will draw strength from the act of letting go – not only things that don’t serve you but collectively everything. It is crucial to understand the importance of recognizing your inability to control situations and cease to resist.

Prioritize love before anything

You have got to tune into love as a first. Love is grace. Love is about caring and sharing. Love is having good intentions. Love is about helping. And love is disciplining when destructive behavior arises. It is so much more than an emotion and is always available – only if you reach out to it as a tool.

Prioritizing love allows you to attract more of it yourself from the universe. Try practicing putting love first and see how your life falls into line without significant input or control from you.

Observe how nature works

In your quest of how to put faith in God, you have to resort to observing nature. The way that plants grow, flowers bloom, and the trees stretch high up in the sky. Observe the beauty, synchronicity, and dominance of it all.

Observing how nature works will tell you more about trusting the Universe, and how you’ve been sent here for an experience. The entire universe has conspired to bring you here, which is why the force is within you instead of outside of you. See things as a part of the universe instead of as an outsider.

Practice gratitude

The leap of faith is enclosed in practicing gratitude. As I always emphasize, practicing and expressing gratitude will soften the world and brighten it for you. There’s something powerful in thanking the universe and God for all blessings that it gives. Not only does it show that you are supported by the universe but expressing thankfulness will, in fact, open up your life more to this kind of relationship. Once that happens, trust will develop.

Take heed of your intuition

Intuition as well as your guardian angel are the inner guidance system of your life. They come down from a status of higher consciousness but are often ignored. By investing in strengthening your intuition and connecting with your archangel to guide you in life, you become directly linked to the universe.

Practice meditation and deep sleep to harness the power of soul dipped in faith. Once you have your soul aligned with your faith, you receive guidance from it. Within this connection is a direct link to the universe that keeps strengthening as your soul navigates the higher, more significant planes of life with the help of intuition.

The first step in trusting the universe is taking interest in finding more about it, who moves it, how it works, and why you are sent down on the earth. Once you have that knowledge, your fear of the unknown and eagerness to control will ebb away. A burst of light will pass through you – one that sets you free of worldly affairs, more in-tuned to life and its blessings.

I challenge you to start from today.

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