Doesn’t it feel weird to know that all humans on Earth are born with unique spiritual gifts? Take it from me, that is true. Like most of you, for the longest time possible, I viewed “spiritual gifts” as some sort of a divine thing that is acquired by meditating in caves and after years of leading a celibate life. News flash; your spiritual gift is right inside of you, at this very moment. The key is recognizing and using spiritual gifts to bring positivity to this world.

I believe human beings are assigned spiritual gifts in their soul plan before birth. They are sent to this planet with the purpose to identify these gifts and help humanity. Sometimes, these gifts are visible to others. On the other hand, these are internal talents that are only known to you.

Whatever the case, these metaphysical abilities must be utilized to benefit mankind. I’m a staunch believer in the fact that if you do some soul-searching, you will find your spiritual uniqueness.

Let’s find out how to tap into spiritual gifts that we all search for at some point in lives!

Effective ways to tap into your inner power

Have you ever felt the desire to connect with something higher and greater? Are you surprised you have established the fact that this life is more purposeful than you thought? That your existence is more powerful and could be more serviceable?

Well, these questions help reach the point where your inner power could be easily recognized and come into play. This is your first step. Searching for answers to questions that seem impossible otherwise.

1.      Pay attention and enjoy

I will try to begin with a more practical way so that it isn’t overwhelming for my audience. Acknowledging your intention and being set on a certain path of spirituality is most important. It sets the tone for your lifelong journey.

You shouldn’t be chanting mantras or carrying healing crystals right away. Take it slowly and gradually. Try to pay attention to a task that you enjoy. It can be anything. Don’t think about using spiritual gifts just yet. Set the pace.

Once you focus on enjoying a task, you’ll start realizing that you are using your inner power while fulfilling the said project. The more frequently you start doing this practice, the easier it gets to identify and use spiritual talent in any task you perform. Playfulness is a therapy in itself.

According to the famous Deepak Chopra, joy is one of the five noble emotions, and laughter is its language. Practicing spirituality with laughter and a light heart will be extremely fruitful.

2.      Listen to your intuitions

I staunchly believe in the fact that when you aim for a spiritual connection, the universe starts sending you signs and clues as a welcoming gesture. Certain patterns or symbols will come across in life that might spark your curiosity and your intuition will tinkle. Focus on that moment and you will end up discovering your spiritual gifts.

3.      Meditate

It is a common belief in the metaphysical world that being still is extremely important to establish a spiritual connection. When you meditate in a quiet, undisturbed environment, listening to your inner voice becomes far easier. Your mind stills while meditating which brings up different things to the mental surface. These could be feelings, thoughts, ideas, instincts, or clues. They might have been subconsciously buried.

Resurfacing previously concealed shreds of evidence or impressions is a sign that you are tapping into your inner voice. All it takes is 15 minutes of your daily routine.

4.      Identify What Comes Easily To You But Not For Others

A peculiar way of tapping into your spiritual gifts is identifying what is easy for you but difficult for others. Think of this as more like a practical approach – a tad bit different from the methods I’ve listed above. This can be identified by assessing what people compliment on or for what they are impressed that you can do. See if there’s a pattern in the jobs you’re hired for.

As such, concepts, activities, and undertakings that are simple for you, likely done without efforts, but quite difficult when it comes to others doing it can be your spiritual gift.

Using spiritual gifts positively

Spiritually gifted people do not need to be reminded that utilizing their spiritual powers in the best possible manner is a way to thank Nature/God. When you are blessed with something divine, you are responsible for its outcome.

Using spiritual gifts to become a better person for fellow human beings and this planet is a deed that will go on forever. It is a form of charity because it brings a feeling of sheer happiness, abundance, and wholeness to both the benefactor as well as the receiver.

Let me know more ways that can successfully help in tapping into your spiritual gifts!